Evolutionary Computingedited by Ben Paechter, Napier Univerity The information of this page is taken from the EvoNet Web-site EvoWeb. This is an important resource for all researchers in Evolutionary Computing ContentsAbout Evolutionary ComputingThe term evolutionary computating refers to the study of the foundations and applications of certain heuristic techniques based on the principles of natural evolution. In spite of the fact that these techniques can be classified into three main categories (we call it "The Evolutionary Equation", see Figure 1), this classification is based in some details and historical development facts rather than in major functioning differences. In fact, their biological basis is essentially the same.
Figure 1. The Evolutionary Equation.
Figure 2. The Soft Computing Equation. Biological BasisThe origin of evolutionary algorithms was an attempt to mimic some of the processes taking place in natural evolution. Although the details of biological evolution are not completely understood (even nowadays), there exist some points supported by a strong experimental evidence:
Based upon the features above, the three mentioned models of evolutionary computing were independently (and almost simultaneously) developed. The Skeleton of an Evolutionary AlgorithmAn Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) is an iterative and stochastic process that operates on a set of individuals (population). Each individual represents a potential solution to the problem being solved. This solution is obtained by means of a encoding/decoding mechanism. Initially, the population is randomly generated (perhaps with the help of a construction heuristic). Every individual in the population is assigned, by means of a fitness function, a measure of its goodness with respect to the problem under consideration. This value is the quantitative information the algorithm uses to guide the search. The whole process is sketched in Figure 3.
It can be seen that the algorithm comprises three major stages: selection, reproduction and replacement. During the selection stage, a temporary population is created in which the fittest individuals (those corresponding to the best solutions contained in the population) have a higher number of instances than those less fit (natural selection). The reproductive operators are applied to the individuals in this population yielding a new population. Finally, individuals of the original population are substituted by the new created individuals. This replacement usually tries to keep the best individuals deleting the worst ones. The whole process is repeated until a certain termination criterion is achieved (usually after a given number of iterations). Notice that the algorithm establishes a trade-off between the exploitation of good solutions (selection stage) and the exploration of new zones of the search space (reproduction stage), based on the fact that the replacement policy allows the acceptation of new solutions that not necessarily improve the existing ones. EAs are heuristics and thus they do not ensure an optimal solution. The behaviour of these algorithms is stochastic so they may potentially present different solutions in different runs of the same algorithm. That's why it is very common to need averaged results when studying some problem and why probabilities of success (or failure), percentages of search extension, etc... are normally used for describing their properties and work.
ReadingsThe following textbooks (listed in no particlular order) give an introduction to the field. Other evolutionary compuitng publications can be searched here. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms Authors: M MitchellPublisher: MIT Press Publication date: Reprint edition 1998 ISBN: 0262631857 An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms for Scientists and Engineers Authors: D ColeyPublisher: World Scientific Publication date: 1999 ISBN: 9810236026 Evolutionary Algorithms in Theory and Practice: Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming, Genetic Algorithms Authors: T Baeck Evolutionary Computation 1: Basic Algorithms and Operators Editors: T Baeck, D Fogel, Z Michalewicz Editors: T Baeck, D Fogel, Z Michalewicz Authors: Z Michalewicz Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning Authors: D Goldberg Links
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